
Showing posts from November, 2018

V-ID: The Blockchain will Assign Each Document a "Fingerprint"

More and more companies and government organizations are switching to digital documents circulation: e-cards, licenses, money, diplomas... Despite all the advantages, digital documents have a drawback - materials are easy to copy, fake, steal, and use illegally. Can the blockchain offer a platform that will protect documents from unauthorized access? V-ID project developers offer to confirm the validity of each document by scanning a fingerprint. For example, the user prepares a financial report in PDF, uploads the file to the V-ID platform, and sends it to the chief, who can verify the accuracy of the document. If someone tries to change the data in the report, the creator of the PDF will be notified; the owner needs to scan a fingerprint to save the edits. How Does the V-ID Ecosystem Work?; Validation of the document is accompanied by a V-ID token transaction, so third-party users will not be able to make changes. V-ID protects financial documentation, research texts, a...


Welcome my dear friends.Crypto currency is experiencing serious shocks and it is difficult to choose a worthy project. But today my mind was drawn to the project . I advise everyone to look at this project Fameone. Fameone offers professional models, photographers and stylists a platform to present themselves to the public, while newcomers also get an easy entry into the modeling and photography industry and are no longer dependent on agencies or intermediaries. So now everyone has the possibility to market themselves with just a few clicks on Fameone directly. About ico: Soft Cap: 3,000,000 USD Hard Cap: 41,250,000 USD Token TypeERC20 Total Tokens250,000,000 FAME Tokens for Sale :55 % (137,500,000 FAME) Token Name :FAME Token Price: 1 ETH = 800 FAME Accepted Coins: ETH, BTC Min. Purchase: 0.5 ETH Max. Purchase: 2,500 ETH Unsold Tokenswill be burned Token Issuewithin 7 days after the end of ICO The Fameone platform is based on blockchain technology ...

Bitcoin Air: Business Analysis

There’s quite a number of existing projects that try to leverage blockchain technology for real-world utility. And for the current market to sustain the explosive growth it witnessed in 2017, new blockchain projects needs to show real-world utility. Cryptocurrencies are almost only names; they hardly serve any real use. This problem and many more is what Bitcoin Air project aims to provide solution to. Cryptocurrencies have very little spending and are only majorly used for speculative trading. A new Bitcoin fork will break the trend and provide real utility for its tokens in order to aid worldscale adoption of cryptocurrency as a payment tool. SWOT analysis explains in a very clear way how bitcoin Air will succeed in the creation of a utility coin with a genuine value. Strength An outstanding Product strategy is an important business component of big enterprises; it is even matters more for the running of new start-ups. Bitcoin Air is different from the block in the sense that ...


FANEX - СВЕЖИЙ ПРИНИМАТЬ НА ФАНТАЗИЮ СПОРТА: Выберите спортсменов, которые, по вашему мнению, будут хорошо работать и последуют за ними, когда их токены будут расти и падать! Используйте жетоны, чтобы делать ставки в фантастических спортивных играх или просто HODL! Если вы владеете жетонами за несколько видов спорта или только один, вы сможете собирать, торговать и делать ставки с другими фанатами по всему миру. Будете ли вы загружать все звезды или сосредоточиться на неоткрытых талантах? Все зависит от тебя! Fanex планирует поддерживать все основные спортивные лиги, а также MMA, Boxing, NASCAR, Tennis и Esports! СОБРАНИЕ, ТОРГОВЛЯ И ПАДЕНИЕ Игры не ограничиваются только этими Fanex. Разработчики могут строить на нашей платформе и создавать свои собственные приложения, которые включают токены спортсмена. Монеты Fanex приобретаются в продаже Fanex, продаже и продаже токенов. Монеты Fanex будут преобразованы в токены спортсмена со скоростью от 1 до 1. После того, как монета Fanex буд...

Fanex - The best platform for you to keep an eye on your favorite players and make bets on them as you like

Fanex is the best platform for you to keep an eye on your favorite players and make bets on them as you like. There are no restrictions on you so you can bet on your favorite players like the true and loyal fans you have. Fanex - the best fantasy sports cryptocurrency exchange site Fans of sports fans are all over the world and they continue to bet on their favorite players. Sometimes betting turns out to be cheating, causing excessive loss and big disappointment. However, this is something that Fanex strictly keeps checking and you know that your bets are free of fraud. Fanex is a new choice in fantasy sports betting. Choose athletes who you think will look good and follow along with the price of their tokens! Use tokens to make bets in fantasy sports games or just HODL! Whether you have tokens in many sports or only one, you will be able to collect, trade and bet with other fans around the world. Will you load all stars or focus on undiscovered talent? Everything is up to you! Fa...


Hello dear friends, crypto, investors, miners and bloggers. I myself am involved with electronic money and therefore I am particularly interested in new projects and today I introduce you to the project that is Neironix What is Neironix? Neironix is the first independent international rating agency for investment risk evaluation in blockchain economics, where ratings are assigned to the projects automatically on the basis of mathematical scoring results, neuron networks, and multidimensional analysis of large bulk of data. The platform is designed for analysis and subsequent management of risks typical of projects with investments in projects with high degree of uncertainty. Neironix, as a global aggregator of financial analytics for cryptocurrency markets, it allows accumulation and classification of the aggregate information into risk factors, which are interpreted for the subsequent use of scoring for ICO and blockchain projects The advantage makes Neironi...

EndChain — уникальная система контроля поставок

Использование блочной цепи позволяет упростить множество повседневных процессов. То, что мы осуществляем каждый день и абсолютно не задумываемся о том, какой процесс проходит это. Одним из таких процессов является доставка товаров. Проект EndChain намерен охватить каждый сектор цепочки поставок, включая рынок подержанных автомобилей. Этот проект позволит своим пользователям, с использованием блокчейн, отслеживать даже ежедневные товары. Дополнительные функции для связи между цепочкой поставок и позволяющие создавать дополнительные цепи, еще больше повышают актуальность продукта для цепочки поставок. EndChain предоставляет полный и экономически эффективный логистический пакет, который приносит пользу всем сторонам цепочки поставок. В то время как большинство токенов для утилизации ориентированы на товары высокого класса, EndChain фокусируется на рынке с низким и средним рынком — области, которая слишком долго игнорировалась. EndChain может выйти на этот рынок из-за легко...

Hetachain launched the Kick-off event in Dubai, introducing Heta Blockchain 3.0

Because the keyword is “decentralization” brought about by the new and unraveled Blockchain era, the race to become the next Web 3.0 has hit most projects in space. With cities defining new ways of managing data, business transactions, research bordering areas such as in-depth learning, AI, machine learning, IoT, human relations management and management that cut across public and private institutions, blockchain becomes institutionalized by expanding and effective ways it has proven to be a reliable and cost effective way of operating a company. The main focus has been constantly revolving around building industrial-grade, scalable blockchain networks that can be enhanced by the ability of commercial applications to survive mass adoption in the mind that will not fail to meet expectations. This next network is what Hetachain is about … Haven pointed out the shortcomings in this public blockchains before, HETACHAIN ​​was conceived to be a bridge builder, solving the disconnection ...


Salam untuk pembaca sayangku. Hari ini saya ingin menyajikan kepada Anda proyek yang sangat menjanjikan dan unik. Dan saya harap investasi Anda dalam proyek ini akan membawa hasil yang baik. The Athero Platform adalah infrastruktur yang terdesentralisasi dan ekonomis untuk komputasi yang tersedia untuk publik, yang berfokus pada pertumbuhan dan kemakmuran. Athero adalah platform yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan perdagangan dengan menggabungkan Internet of Things dan teknologi blockchain. Athero termasuk sistem operasi terdistribusi dengan terbuka block chain menggunakan bisnis virtual dalam jaringan bisnis dan algoritme yang konsisten untuk diterapkan solusi offline yang lebih canggih untuk arus informasi dan kebutuhan pencarian produk. Meskipun desain Athero terinspirasi oleh desain blok sebelumnya, ia juga melakukan penelitian selama puluhan tahun di berbagai bidang komputasi paralel dan terdistribusi, matematika, dan bahasa pemrograman pemrograman. Platform ini mencakup desain en...

ATHERO - The blockchain 3.0 mencapai keuangan.

Kami memulai artikel baru untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang ATHERO ( ), proyek baru yang akan memulai pra-penjualan hanya dalam 11 hari, jadi ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang proyek ini dan, jika Anda tertarik, kami akan memberi tahu Anda cara berinvestasi. Hal pertama yang harus kita katakan sebagai langkah sebelum peninjauan ATHERO ( ), adalah salah satu pertanyaan paling umum di dunia ini, dan ini tidak lain adalah apa itu token atau mata uang, Di mana dan bagaimana saya dapat menyimpan koin saya? Namun, dalam kasus athero ( ) kami memiliki proyek yang akan bekerja dengan ERC20 token, yaitu athero ( ) itu adalah sebuah proyek yang akan berjalan pada Jaringan Ethereum, sehingga akan mendapat manfaat dari nilai-nilai intrinsik Ethereum, yaitu keamanan dan kecepatan tinggi, desentralisasi, anonimitas dan stabilitas besar. Selain itu, seperti dengan semua token ERC20, jika p...

Yanu de Robolab: Robot de Service Bartending

De nombreux marchés du travail dans les économies à revenu élevé sont confrontés à des changements structurels (augmentation du coût de la main-d'œuvre, pénurie de travailleurs qualifiés, etc.) causés par les changements démographiques et éducatifs dans les communautés. Par conséquent, les propriétaires d’entreprise cherchent des moyens d’automatiser des tâches répétitives et redondantes. Ces problèmes sont particulièrement graves dans le secteur des services, où les fluctuations du personnel et le manque d’employés qualifiés sont presque accablants. L'option la plus récente et la plus populaire est la mise en œuvre de robots destinés aux clients, destinés à aider ou à remplacer les travailleurs humains effectuant ce type de tâches. Alors que de nombreuses entreprises déploient des robots destinés aux clients, certains des segments du secteur ont pris du retard en termes de productivité et d’innovation en raison de l’absence de robots de service économiquement viables. ...

Llevar robots de servicio a situaciones cotidianas

Llevar robots de servicio a situaciones cotidianas Yanu es una plataforma nueva y descentralizada que realiza la función de intercambio de criptomonedas, que combina los desarrollos tecnológicos más avanzados y el sistema populer blockchain que ha demostrado brindar confiabilidad y seguridad completas. La criptomoneda literalmente ha revolucionado el mercado internacional tan pronto como ingresó, atrayendo inmediatamente a mucha gente, la mayoría de loscuales quería experimententar sus ventajas en la práctica. Es por eso que los proyectos basados ​​en criptomonedas son ahora uno de los más populares y tienen grandes perspectivas de desarrollo, así como también inversiones en la moneda digital. Secara umum, Yanu dari los usuarios oportunidades comerciales memudahkan en el intercambio, sebagai como el intercambio de criptomonedas y una plataforma independiente única, donde los empleadores pueden buscar posibles artistas y contratarlos pagando por el trabajo con las criptomon...